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The very personal flags-maps of Serradifalco are a geopolitical “Risk” visionary that crosses the boundaries codified by man, where countries are separated by economic and development models, by religious confessions, by history as by political geography converge, intersect, one to complement the other. And in the most emotionally sensitive symbol for each, namely the national flag. This was a choice made by Serradifalco to question us, once again, in a way that is anything but implicit: is it really true that geography only serves to wage war, including the economic one? What if there was another possible geography to reflect and act on the world when we try to observe it? For example, as in this case, from the satellite adopting the same point of view of God? In short, the map is a strong indicator of political power and is therefore physiologically cold, abstract. And the Sicilian artist (like other contemporary artists, starting with the Palestinian Mona Hatoum) intends to unhinge it for this very reason to new emotions. Here maybe he explains those subtle personal nuances of loss, disorientation and the sense of existential exile that produce the “Earth Flags”, imbued as they are – through a wise aesthetic – with disturbing nostalgia for a better possible future, but little probable, in a society now addicted to closing its eyes in front of uncomfortable truths.

(Cesare Biasini Selvaggi)
